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AAG is the approved reseller of ICAO Products

Airline Analysis Tool by ICAO


About GATO

The Global Air Transport Optimisation (GATO) provides intelligence to Member States and stakeholders to determine the linkages between connectivity and competition at a granular level thus enabling them to take decisions to identify factors and take necessary policy measures to optimize the air transport network.

The GATO Product is made of advanced management of MIDT data. The combination of ICAO expertise and a high skilled academician team with aviation experience has achieved to eliminate the deficiencies and gaps in the data sets and bring out most easy-to-use and fast product ever. 

About Airline Analysis Tool

The GATO consists of 6 main modules, where you can find all the information you need in one place with a few clicks. In this page you can find explanations and a dynamic tutorial video about the first module: Airline Analysis Tool. You can search over more than 800 major airlines including legacy and low cost carriers. Airline Analysis Tool covers three sub-modules as "Statistics", "Map" and "Evolution Over Time".

Analytica Advisory Group as the approved reseller and developer of ICAO, we are very happy to be in this project. If you have any questions, or if you wish to acquire a demo or make a purchase, please click here to contact us.

Intractive Tutorial
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