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Some example visualizations with open public data sets

Flight Delays in 2017 - Airports of Turkey

October 20, 2018

Turkish. View the basic descriptive tables and dynamic query tools to observe delays in Turkish Airports

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Air Cargo Advanced Viz - BETA VERSION

August 29, 2018

View freight and additional 14 indicator flows by country-country, country-airport, airport-airport, airport-country pairs.

Click here to watch introduction video.

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Catchment Area Tool (High Perspective)

July 12, 2016

View the countries in the catchment area of countries. Interact with the exportation figures of any given country.
Catchment area tool monitors the catchment areas of countries included in WorldBank and Oxford Data sets. Choose an origin country to view its 1.500 km radius  and the capabilities of surrounding countries within the radius with respect to high air trade tendency products.
You can click here to see introduction page or directly click the button below to view the tool.

ICAO FIR ZONES | Flight Information Regions

December 31, 2017

View the ICAO Flight Information Zones on map and find out more information via additional charts

Via this tool, you can view and get information about the FIR zones. You can navigate by regions or countries.

Important Note: This tool was prepared by the data collected by our team and it is just for example purpose. We do not hold any responsibility about the accuracy of the data. The tool is not being updated. If you would like to watch the introduction video (4 minutes), click here.

In the relevant page, you can use the video link to find out how to use the tool.

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Routes of First 100 Airlines

December 31, 2017

View and Interact with the routes of the first 100 airlines in the world. Simply choose a continent to select a departure country. If you wish, you can choose "How to use" tab above of the tool to watch the introduction video.

Important Note: This tool was prepared by the data collected by our team and it is just for example purpose. We do not hold any responsibility about the accuracy of the data. The tool is not being updated.

Via this tool, you can view:

a. The origin airports by country with the total number of routes (by airports) 

b. By choosing an origin airports, the destination airports with number of airlines serving in the route.

c. By choosing the airline, the number of total routes of the given airline.

d. By selecting the airline, number and details of the routes served by the given airline.

e. You can also query by airlines.

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Airport Radius Analysis | With World Bank Trade and Development Indicators

December 31, 2017

Select an airport from 10,051 airports (including large, medium and small types) to view the airports and countries included in the catchment area. The radius is from 500 km to 10,000 km.

Via this tool, you can select any airport and view the airports and countries within a selected radius as km's. In addition, you can see the total population, total trade stats and development indicators within the selected radius.

Important Note: This tool was prepared by the data collected by our team and it is just for example purpose. We do not hold any responsibility about the accuracy of the data. The tool is not being updated.

In the relevant page, you can use the video link to find out how to use the tool. If you would like to watch introduction video, please click here.

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Airport Within Selected Radius From LTAC | Esenboga International Airport - ANKARA

December 31, 2017

View airports within a selected radius great circle distance from Ankara Esenboga International Airport (LTAC). You can also see the airports with scheduled flight from LTAC and non-flight airports.

The radius range is available between 1,000 km's to 10,000 km's.

Important Note: This tool was prepared by the data collected by our team and it is just for example purpose. We do not hold any responsibility about the accuracy of the data. The tool is not being updated.

In the relevant page, you can use the video link to find out how to use the tool.

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Gravity Center of World Trade by Transportation Modes and by Commodity Groups

December 31, 2017

Calculate and re-calculate the gravity center of trade by commodity groups, transportation modes; by value or weight.

This tool was created for the OIC & DGCA Jointly Project 2015-TURTRANS-173 ("Assessment and Enhancement of Air Cargo Interconnectivity Among the OIC Member States The Air Cargo Co-Modality Approach (ACCMA) to Facilitate INTRA- OIC Trade.").

The data source is the trade database of SeaBury.  In the relevant page, you can find more information about the tool.

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Gravity Center of Air Cargo Capacity between 2007-2015

December 31, 2017

Calculate and re-calculate the gravity center of trade by commodity groups, transportation modes; by value or weight.

This tool was created for the OIC & DGCA Jointly Project 2015-TURTRANS-173 ("Assessment and Enhancement of Air Cargo Interconnectivity Among the OIC Member States The Air Cargo Co-Modality Approach (ACCMA) to Facilitate INTRA- OIC Trade.").  

The data source is the capacity database of SeaBury. The capacity data  used includes the period between 2007-2015.  The gravity center of the air trade capacity was calculated regarding great circle distance. You can follow the link given in the above paragraph to acquire more information about the methodology and formula.


Capacity is meant to the total capacity of the air cargo carriers. It consists of passenger airliners cargo (belly-cargo) capacity, dedicated freighter capacity and combi-carriers capacity. 


In the relevant page, you can find more information about the tool.

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August 06, 2016

View and interact with world airports by OIC Sub Regions. View and Interact with Top Airports by Year
Top airport classifications by:
a. Total Movement
b. Total Freight
c. Total Passengers
d. Total International Passengers

July 31, 2016

View and Interact with Export / Import volumes of OIC States between 2006 - 2015 with respect to high air trade tendency product groups.

The tool provided intends to reveal information on relative share of high air trade tendency products of OIC Member States on relevant state's total export and import volumes. By default, all tables and map shows Member States' "HighTech Products" exportation ratio relative to country total exports to world for the year 2014. UNCOMTRADE and World Bank Indicators are used for calculations.

OIC Aviation Figures

August 29, 2016

View and Interact with historical and forecasted Passenger Traffic, RPK and Trade Intensity  figures in OIC Region and Sub-Regions or for any given country. Coverage: 2006-2034

Comparison Pairs:

a. Trade Intensity vs. Int'l Passenger Traffic

b. GDP per Capita vs. Int'l Passenger Traffic (YoY Growth)

c. Trade Intensity vs. RPK (YoY Growth)

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Air Cargo Carried in Turkey (2004 vs. 2015)

April 17, 2017

The tool is Turkish. The visualization of Air Cargo Carried in Turkey between the years 2004, 2015.

The Data Set used is retrieved from 'TUIK'  (Turkish Statistical Institute). You can see the amount of air cargo carried by airports, and compare the increase between 2004 and 2015.

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Top 25 Air Cargo Destinations from IST for Sept 2016-Aug 2016

April 17, 2017

View and interact with the Top 25 Air Cargo Markets from İstanbul for the period of September 2016 - August 2016.

The Data Set used is retrieved from IATA. You can view the top markets regarding Volume (tonnage flown in km's), Revenue USD, Average Price USD or Other Charges USD. Use the tabs above the tool to navigate between different sheets.


Comparison of Realized Traffic in Turkish Airports.

April 17, 2017

The comparison of realized air traffic in airports in Turkey for the time periods July 11-16th 2017, January 08-14th 2018.

The tool is designed in Turkish. You can observe and compare the realized air traffic of the airports in Turkey. Using the dynamic filters, you can view the traffic for arrival, departure, international and domestic flights. The figures indicates the number flights for the days of the weeks as the comparison. 

You can also view the rankings of origin and destination countries and the relevant airports by just clicking the country.

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Export Diversification by Modes and Commodity Groups

April 17, 2017

The comparison of exports of 211 countries by modes and commodity groups and the breakdown of trade by partners.

The tool consists of two sheets. In the first sheet, you can view the export of countries by modes and commodity groups. Start by choosing a country.  Then, in the below charts you can compare the exportation by modes, air value, surface modes value and in the scope of metric tonnage. The second page is designed to view the partners of the selected countries which means that you can view the comparison in the level of partner countries, too. In the second page, you can see the different aggregation levels for 12 commodity groups by just using the relevant filter on the right hand side upper corner.

You can also view the rankings of origin and destination countries and the relevant airports by just clicking the country.

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Sample Flight Frequency Map

April 17, 2017

This tool is designed to show the frequencies between airports. You can choose an origin airport among 13 Turkish International Airports.

You can narrow the view by choosing a destination country and a route type. The filters will directly effect the map view and the below table. Choosing an item in the below chart table will also highlight the map view regarding the selection criteria.

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Historical and Forecasted Air Passenger Traffic (2006-2035)

April 17, 2017

View and observe historical air passenger stats and forecasted air passenger volumes for all countries.

The tool was prepared with Oxford Economics Datasets. The database is private and cannot be used for commercial or personal use.  The tool consists of  7 different dashboards. You can navigate between dashboards by using the tabs places above the tool. 

Dashboards included:

  1. Domestic Passenger Forecasts

  2. International Passenger Forecasts

  3. Total Passenger Forecasts

  4. Total Passengers Forecast by Regions

  5. International Passenger Map

  6. AirFare / GDPPer Ratio

  7. Domestic / Population Ratio

More explanation about the tools and dashboards are available in the relevant page. If you would like to watch the introduction video (8 minutes), please click here.

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Global Unscheduled Air Traffic Data by Countries and Carriers (2013-2016)

April 17, 2017

View and interact to observe the global unscheduled air traffic by countries and by carriers. Available years: 2013 - 2014

This simple tool is designed to show the unscheduled air traffic between 2013 and 2016. The data is annual data retrieved from ICAO. The data is private and cannot be distributed or used for commercial or personal purposes. There exists 11 different indicator criteria that you can use. More information is available in the relevant page. 


If you wish to download the data and have more insights please contact us.

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