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Some Example Analysis from the Project ACCMA

Gravity Center of World Trade by Transportation Modes and by Commodity Groups

December 31, 2017

Calculate and re-calculate the gravity center of trade by commodity groups, transportation modes; by value or weight.

This tool was created for the OIC & DGCA Jointly Project 2015-TURTRANS-173 ("Assessment and Enhancement of Air Cargo Interconnectivity Among the OIC Member States The Air Cargo Co-Modality Approach (ACCMA) to Facilitate INTRA- OIC Trade.").

The data source is the trade database of SeaBury.  In the relevant page, you can find more information about the tool.

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Gravity Center of Air Cargo Capacity between 2007-2015

December 31, 2017

Calculate and re-calculate the gravity center of trade by commodity groups, transportation modes; by value or weight.

This tool was created for the OIC & DGCA Jointly Project 2015-TURTRANS-173 ("Assessment and Enhancement of Air Cargo Interconnectivity Among the OIC Member States The Air Cargo Co-Modality Approach (ACCMA) to Facilitate INTRA- OIC Trade.").  

The data source is the capacity database of SeaBury. The capacity data  used includes the period between 2007-2015.  The gravity center of the air trade capacity was calculated regarding great circle distance. You can follow the link given in the above paragraph to acquire more information about the methodology and formula.


Capacity is meant to the total capacity of the air cargo carriers. It consists of passenger airliners cargo (belly-cargo) capacity, dedicated freighter capacity and combi-carriers capacity. 


In the relevant page, you can find more information about the tool.

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