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Traffic Flight States Dashboards

ICAO ICADS | TFS World Traffic


TFS contains annual traffic on-board aircraft on individual flight stages of international scheduled services. The data, classified by international flight stage, shows for each air carrier and aircraft type used, the number of flights operated, the aircraft capacity offered and the traffic (passengers, freight and mail) carried.

  1. View reported data from States and Carriers

  2. Monitor several key KPIs such as Freight Revenue Traffic, Passenger Revenue Traffic, Mail Revenue Traffic and Total Payload Capacity

  3. Make in-depth analysis and create your own custom views to reach out the data anytime you need easily 

  4. Create email subscriptions to stay updated with the lates data

  5. Weekly updates

  6. Several export options such as excel, csv, image, power point presentation file and pdf file

mac mockup.png

* Video represents the functionalities for the subscribed dashboards.  Please, note that some of the functionalities may not be working in demo version.

Presentation Video
TFS Payload Mock Up.png
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