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Regional Outlook - Comparison of Selected Years (Forecasted and Historical SUM's)


Three responsive and dynamically related charts are included:

1.Top flight regions by selected years in terms of dynamic parameters

2. Share of all flight regions in a given year in terms of dynamic parameters

3. The distribution of a selected parameter for the selected regions by years (historical and forecasted values.


The views can be updated to show these parameters:

  • Total Pax

  • Total Seats

  • Total Flights

  • Total ASK

  • Total RPK

It is also possible to view and compare top 5/10/15/20 countries by selected years by using 'Top Ranking' parameter box.

Top Flight Regions by Selected Parameters - Comparison of Selected Years (Forecasted and Historical AVERAGE's)


This dashboard is designed to reveal distribution of Average Load Factor, Average Seats, Average Pax, Average Flights, Average RPK, Average ASK,  Average Distance by flight regions (LTF) for the selected years.

By using dropdown boxes, located above the dashboard:

  • You can select multiple years, for comparison reason

  • You can select Top Rankings to view and compare top 5/10/15/20 countries by selected years by using 'Top Ranking' parameter box.

  • You can select one of these parameters (variables) to re-design all the views  accordingly:

    • ​Average Load Factor,

    • Average Seats,

    • Average Pax,

    • Average Flights,

    • Average RPK,

    • Average ASK, 

    • Average Distance

Three responsive and dynamically related charts are included:

1.Top flight regions by selected years in terms of average of selected dynamic parameters (variables)

2. Selecting a bar within the above chart, will trigger two tables which will reveal the distribution by regions for the selected year and the routes by country pairs in the actively selected region.

3. Selecting another region in the second table will re-filter the view in the third (routes) table

Flight Regions and Country Pairs for the Selected Year


This dashboard depicts the forecasted or historical outlook for flight regions in terms of Total Pax, Total Seats, Total Flights, Total ASK, Total RPK for selected year.  It is also possible to query the country pairs within the flight region. You can select a year from the dropdown box located on the right hand side upper corner of the dashboard.

Four responsive and dynamically related charts are included:

1.Distribution of selected parameters by flight regions (LTF Regions) for a selected year.

2.Upon clicking and selecting a flight region:

  •  The summary box for the selected region and year including average values for Seats, Flights, Pax, RPK, ASK, Load Factor.

  • A multi-index table bar chart revealing the country pairs for the selected flight region and year.

  • Upon selecting a country pair, the distribution of historical and forecasted values among the years for the selected country pair.


The views can be updated to show these parameters:

  • Total Pax

  • Total Seats

  • Total Flights

  • Total ASK

  • Total RPK

Country Outlook


This dashboard is built to make queries on the outgoing traffic of any selected country for the selected year. Using the country filter box located above the dashboard; it is possible to query any country in the forecast database.


It is also possible to make a selection of a year between 2000-2045 to view the historical or forecasted results. All the charts will be updated accordingly.

It is possible to make queries for 5 main parameter variables:

  • Total PAX

  • Total Flights

  • Total ASK

  • Total RPK

  • Total Seats

The dashboard consists of 4 interactive and responsive charts:

  1. Pie chart depicting the distribution of the selected parameter variable by flight regions for the selected country and year.

  2. Table view (right hand-side of the piechart) showing the tabular results same as the pie chart to provide easier understanding.

  3. On clicking the table or piechart, the line chart showing the distribution of the selected parameters (such as Total Pax) for the selected country-flight region through the years ( both historical and forecasted results). 

  4. Table view (tabular view) of destination countries from the selected origin country for the selected flight region and year.

Clicking on a flight region in the pie chart or relevant table will update the line chart and destination countries table.

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