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ICAO Next Generation Aviation Professionals

Traffic Diversification by Aircraft Categories


View, interact and make observations with 4 different dashboards prepared with ICAO datasets.

Query by Departure, Arrival and Year


This dashboard which consists of 4 main tables/charts illustrates the breakdown of departures and seat kms variables by air craft types at country pair and year level. 

Select a departure and arrival country pair and a year among 1995-2018 in order to query.  Clicking on the summary box which illustrates the total Departures and Seat Kms for the selected route/year will trigger additional explanatory tables, for Departures / Seat Kms accordingly.

There are 4 interactive and responsive charts in the dashboard. Clicking on Passenger, Freighter or Air Craft Types fields in the middle tables will update the following charts accordingly.

Global Totals Query by Years


​The dashboard consists of 3 interactive and responsive charts. 

  • Line Chart: It shows the percentage diversification of the selected parameter (Departures or Seat Kms) through the years. Hovering the cursor over the line chart will trigger tooltip boxes with additional information.

  • Tree Chart: Clicking on a filed corresponding a year on the line chart will reveal the tree chart which shows the diversification of global traffic by air craft types for the relevant year.

  • Table: Clicking on an aircraft type box in the tree chart will reveal a table which shows the sorted list of country pair routes for the selected air craft type and selected year for the active parameter (departures / seat kms)

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